CONSENSUS web site updated |
Please visit the CONSENSUS web site .
The consumer brochure and information and the final sets of CONSENSUS
indicators for Best Practice and Sector Benchmarks are online (see menu
item "How can we measure it" / Indicators as sector benchmarks) as
static content, so that you can use the google translate tool (top right) to see them in many languages. Please use and share...
Please follow the links from the AE2009 logo (top right) to submit your abstract and register for Aquaculture Europe 2009.
Abstract submission is open until February 15th. Early bird
registration (lowest possible fees) is open until May 15. Make the most
of your AE2009 registration by becoming a member of EAS and taking advantage of the many benefits that go with it.
We have lost Ibrahim Okumus |
We have just heard that Ibrahim Okumus - a pioneer of aquaculture in
Turkey and a loyal and active member of EAS - has finally lost his long
battle against cancer. More...
800 participants from 55 countries came to Krakow for Aquaculture
Europe 2008. Many thanks to them, as well as to all those that
contributed time and efforts towards its success. SEE THE SUMMARY
REPORT posted under PAST EVENT REPORTS at the top right of this page.