From the EAS President FEATURE ARTICLE - Potential role of seaweed culture in Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture (IMTA) systems for sustainable marine aquaculture in Turkey ARTICLES - The future of Aquaculture and Fisheries research - outcomes of the FEUFAR project - Fish and shellfish quarantine: an Asian perspective - Probiotic technology: an alternative approach to antibiotic treatment in aquaculture - Sole farming: nearly there but not quite?! - A report of the 4th workshop on the cultivation of soles - From capture based to SELF-sustained aquaculture and Domestication Of bluefin tuna, Thunnus Thynnus (SELFDOTT) RESEARCH FOCUS - Future prospects of crustacean monosex culture: could giant prawn monosex culture benefit from the discovery of an insulin-like factor? NEW PUBLICATIONS NEWS - Poland signs the EUROFISH agreement - A tribute to Ibrahim Okumus - Environmental assessment of aquaculture in Western Australia and development of a global network
AQUACULTURE EUROPE MEETINGS UPDATE - It's not too late to submit your abstract to Aquaculture Europe 2009
AQUACULTURE MEETINGS - EATIP - AquaMedit 2008 - Giant Prawn 2011 - Water quality and trout farming: a symposium in Brittany (France) considered the question from various angles - Calendar
MEMBER NEWS - Minutes of the 2008 Extraordinary General Assembly of the European Aquaculture Society