This is a list and short description of the current EAS Institutional Members, based on information provided by them and listed in alphabetical order. Pleas click on their logo or link to visit their web site.

AquaInfo AquaInfo is the gateway to Korean aquaculture: As publisher of the leading monthly aquaculture magazine in Korea, newsletter, books and etc.: AsoOrganizer of events such as workshop, exhibition and conferences, and as technical guider for group tours. More...
Aquapri Denmark A/S
Aquatic Eco Systems Inc.
Astec Aquaculture Business & Science Centre
Baltic Marine SRL
BioMar A/S
Catvis BV
Centro de Maricultura da Calheta
CIMA - Centro de Investigacions Marinas
CIPA - Comite Interprofessionnel des Produits de l'Aquaculture
Danish Shellfish Center
DARD - Dept of Agriculture & Rural Dev. UK
DTU Aqua
Finnish Game and Fisheries
Since 1988, GREENSEA SAS has specialized in the industrial cultivation of micro algae and zooplankton for the aquaculture industry. Our Research & Development is based on controlled culture conditions in many closed PBR, for generating in various compounds, such additives in animal and fish feeds. With our expertise we can meet demands for culture of particular species and for the identification and purification of new active compounds involved in the culture and wellbeing of aquatic organisms. More....
HZ Univ. Of Applied Sciences
Inst. Für Gewässerökologie & Binnenfischerei
Inst. of Marine Research
ISARA - Lyon
Kinarca S.A.U.
Facultat de Veterinaria - U.A.B.
Lycée de Bréhoulou
M.A.R.E. Soc. Coop. arl.
N.V. Bekaert SA
Nat. Scientific & Technical Info Center (NSTIC), Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research
Research Inst. for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI)
S.C. Interactiv Business SRL
SARF Secretariat
United Food Technologies AG
University of South Bohemia, Research Inst. of Fish Culture & Hydrobiology