September 2013 Volume 38 No 2 - Content Table


- From the EAS President
- The importance of inter-continental transfers for domestication in aquaculture
- The European Aquaculture Society

- FEATURE ARTICLE: The current status and future perspectives of European organic aquaculture

- Measuring biofouling: A practical approach for including fouling into numerical net models
- Bustan Aquaponics: Egypt's first working commercial aquaponic farm
- Immune evasion mechanism of parasites in fish
- Huge potential evident as SEAFARE nears completion
- Safe Seafood project is raising expectations
- Caring for health and welfare of fish: a critical success factor for aquaculture
- Aquaculture Forum Bremerhaven (Workshop III) - Bremerhaven Declaration on the Future of Fish Nutrition and Aquaculture Technology
- European Percid Fish Culture (EPFC) workshop 2013 - Summary
- Aquaculture meetings - calendar
- Winner of 2013 Lindsay Laird Award announced

March 2013 Volume 38 No 1 - Content Table


From the EAS President

- A glimpse of the mollusc industry in Europe
- Euroshell - Bridging the gap between science and producers to support the European mollusc production sector
- An overview of world oyster production

- The science of sea ranching - Can this be ignored any further in India?
- Turbot aquaculture: production and markets
- Offshore Aquaculture Workshop in Bilbao - Atlantic Forum proposes recommendations for development
- Aquaculture in Serbia
- BioFish Forum discussed revision process for EU organic aquaculture production rules - dynamic organic seafood market threatened?
- A new look for IFFO
- EAS member Bill Vandaele receives Regulartory Affairs Lifetime Achievement Award
- Aquaculture Europe 2013
- Aquaculture meetings - calendar