Programme Grid & Session overview
AE2017 Plenary Speakers
EAS Thematic Group: Percid fish workshop
EAS Thematic Group: Eel Workshop
Industry Forum: EAS Thematic Group Flat Oysters
EU Forum
EURASTiP - EU/S.E.Asia Cooperation
COLUMBUS Brokerage Event
EAS Student Group Workshop
AE2017 Special Session - Blue Fin Tuna

Industry Forum: Cooperation in Mediterranean Aquaculture

Programme Grid
The programme grid provides an overview of all AE2017 sessions by day and by room.
Please note that this is a provisional programme and could be subject to change.

AE2017 Programme Grid.pdf
List of sessions by day.pdf

Our AE2017 Plenary speakers

Day 1. Wednesday 18th: 09h00 to 10h00.
“Is substitution compromising our omega 3 (DHA) position?” - Professor Michael A Crawford, PhD, FRSB, FRCPath, Imperial College, London.
Day 2. Thursday 19th: 09h00 to 10h00.
“Large scale RTD facility to take tuna farming forward” – Fernando de la Gándara, Researcher at the IEO (Spanish Institute of Oceanography) and Director of the Murcia Oceanographic Center.
Day 3. Friday 20th: 11h45 to 12h30 (PLEASE NOTE THE TIME!).
“Gene editing. A game changer for aquaculture?” – Anna Wargelius, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen.
The AE2017 Poster Awards will follow this plenary.
AE2017 Plenary Speakers.pdf

EAS Thematic Group EPFC - New skillsets in Percid Fish Culture
Tuesday 17th afternoon.
Bringing together all those with an interest in the culture of pike-perch, perch and other species of the family percidae for human consumption, stocking and conservation. The workshop title is: "New skillsets in Percid Fish Culture" and will pertain to the latest achievements in skills and competencies required for successful percid fish culture. The workshop starts at 12.00 and closes at 18.00 in time to attend the opening ceremony of Aquaculture Europe 2017. More at

EAS Thematic Group Eels - New beginnings - The way forward for eel breeding and larval culture
Tuesday 17th morning.
In recent years, targeted research has steadily advanced methodologies for captive breeding as well as larval culture technology leading to first-feeding larval trials. The next challenge is to optimise diets and culture conditions for larval survival and growth with the ultimate goal to produce glass eels. Here, the objective of this thematic group is to bring together representatives of research groups/projects engaged in eel aquaculture, stocking and conservation to facilitate cooperation as well as to involve researchers, producers and stakeholders with insight in hatchery technology of other fish species to enhance knowledge exchange and development.

Eel Workshop Programme

Industry Forum: A stable supply of robust native oyster juveniles – identification and prioritisation of gaps and challenges.
Wednesday 18th all day.
This Industry Forum, organised by the EAS Thematic Group on Flat Oysters, will bring together scientists and producers to address some of the principal bottlenecks and husbandry issues that are limiting the potential to bring back this native European species, so highly prized by connoisseurs and consumers. It will provide a forum for knowledge exchange and the sharing of best practices. Target audience: scientists and flat oyster producers from across Europe.
Oyster Industry Forum Programme

EU Forum - Exploring new value chains for aquaculture
Wednesday 18th all day.
The morning session will present ongoing International Cooperation Initiatives and opportunities for European aquaculture.
The afternoon session will take the form of a pitching event where tangible results and lessons learnt from EU-Horizon 2020 funded projects will be presented and discussed. The areas covered will vary from tools for preventing and mitigating diseases affecting farm animals, tools to support aquaculture spatial planning, assessing climate change effects and to exploring opportunities in algae production and processing. Future opportunities offered in the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for aquaculture research and innovation will also be presented.
AE2017 EU FORUM Programme
AE2017 EU FORUM Flyer

EURASTiP - EU S.E Asia Cooperation
Wednesday 18th afternoon.
The European Asian Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EURASTiP) is a three year coordination and support action project, aiming to provide a structured basis for multi-stakeholder dialogue in the aquaculture community, within South East Asia and between South East Asia and the EU. This afternoon session will present EURASTiP, its objectives, partnership, progress and expected actions.
EURASTiP programme

COLUMBUS Brokerage Event
Wednesday 18th morning
The ongoing Horizon 2020 initiative COLUMBUS is pioneering a new technique to better understand how to optimise the use of knowledge derived from research. Through a process of identification of Knowledge Outputs (KOs), it is developing transfer pathways to facilitate each step of the process to increase the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and assist and support researchers to bring this knowledge to market.
This session will introduce this new technique and present several aquaculture case studies that are currently going through the process. The presence of COLUMBUS partners in the AE 2017 COLUMBUS Stand and transfer experts during the rest of the AE2017 event will allow scientists that have potential products in their Knowledge Outputs to look further into the transfer pathway and receive advice and accompaniment to pursue their ideas.
See the programme of the event, including case studies that will be presented.

EAS Student Workshop
Wednesday 18th afternoon
Organised by the EAS Student Group and followed by a student reception, the AE2017 Student Workshop is called “A scientist, a producer and a student walk into a bar".  The workshop aims to help students of all levels to understand what their possible next step is within the Aquaculture sector and how to prepare for it.
EAS Student Group Workshop Programme

Special session: Blue Fin Tuna: Cooperation for Growth

Thursday 19th all day.
This special session will look at the evolution of tuna farming in the Adriatic and Mediterranean as it moves from fattening to farming. The morning session will present the latest scientific findings addressing breeding, larval rearing, nutrition and health and the afternoon session will bring together a panel of tuna experts to look forward and to work together.
Target audience: scientists and especially all tuna farms in Adriatic and Med.

Thursday 19th morning.
EATiP review of its Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda. 5 years after its publication, the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATiP) has reviewed its Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and progress achieved. Join us at 10:30 in Tajan room for the launch of the updated version and to know more about EATiP, its objectives, its international cooperation’s activities and the Regional Mirror Platforms’ role.  Visit us @ stand#67.

Thursday 19th afternoon.
Turning research into reality - From research innovation to industry application via AQUAEXCEL2020
Curious to know more about the AQUAEXCEL2020 project and hear how research findings can be applied to the aquaculture industry? To know what industry expects from research? To find out about our Transnational Access programme? Join us at our industry brokerage event, and engage with industry stakeholders and researchers alike! 14:30 Tajan room. 
AQUAEXCEL2020 Brokerage flyer and programme

Cooperation in Mediterranean Aquaculture: A Croatian Perspective

Friday 20th all day.
This special AE2017 Industry Forum will discuss why aqualture in the Mediterranean has not progressed significantly over recent years and look into some of the issues that are inhibiting group through two recently funded Horizon 2020 projects, Performfish and MEDAid. It will debate the main outcomes and tangible results in several areas, including nutrition, health, welfare, breeding and market.
Mediterranean Cooperation flyer and programme.