Pantelis Katharios EAStalk

Dr. Pantelis Katharios covered "Phage Therapy as an Alternative Treatment in Aquaculture: Applications in Fish Hatcheries" on May 26th at 14:00h.

Dr. Pantelis Katharios is a senior researcher at the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research.

His main research topic is the study and control of diseases in aquaculture. The main object of his research are the pathologies affecting novel aquaculture fish species and the new emerging diseases. In recent years he has emphasized on the understanding of the molecular mechanisms that determine the virulence of pathogenic microorganisms and their interaction with the fish. In the field of disease control, he has worked extensively with the use of bacteriophages as a means of prevention and treatment and with the development of autogenous vaccines.
He has participated in a big number of national and international research projects either as a principal investigator or as a coordinator.

He is the founder of Aquatic Biologicals, which is a spin-off company of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research and it is the first marine biotechnology company in Greece with an exclusive focus on the health of aquaculture fish (

He has active collaboration with the Department of Biology, University of Crete, participating in teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, hosting students of the Department for practicing in his lab and supervising undergraduate or graduate theses.

His published work includes 61 papers in international journals, more than 50 conference papers, 5 chapters in technical manuals, and 5 popularized articles in journals of aquaculture.

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