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February 2025

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Webinar: Discussion on the Relationship between Food Marketing Standards and Food Waste, Januaru 15, 11:00-12:30 CET

Wed. 15 Jan, 2025 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

To obtain input / feedback from external stakeholders on the hypotheses developed in work package 1 of the BREADCRUMB project on:
a) the relationship between food marketing standards and food waste.
b) therelationshipbetweenprivateandpublicfoodmarketingstandards.
A presentation will be given on the hypotheses developed as a result of data collected to date (desktop research, literature review, compilation of an inventory of food marketing standards, EU- wide survey, and in-depth interviews) within work package 1. The hypotheses will include those that are specific to the following food commodity categories – fruits and vegetables, meat, eggs, fish, and cereals.

For organizational purposes, please let us know by December 16, 2024 if you are able to attend the webinar by indicating “yes” or “no” within the form at the following link:

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 373 612 908 83
Passcode: v7fJ3gW7

1. Welcome remarks, and explanation about the objectives and structure of the webinar (5 minutes)
2. Context: Overview of work package 1 and linkages with rest of the project (20 minutes)
3. Presentation of hypotheses followed by Question & Answer/Disscusion Session after each hypothesis presentation (60 minutes)
4. Concluding remarks (5 minutes)